What is senergy?

Senergy  [ sen - er - jee ]


  1. The combined power of God cooperating with the individuals of His church creating transformational change in other individuals, their families, and communities
Word origins: EN synergy / GR energeia, energema, energy


the God of the universe personally and actively working in you and with you in your everyday life. Do you think your life would live with purpose - in full cooperation with God?  Not only would your life be lived with purpose, but in fact you would live the very purpose that God desires of every single person.

God has the same purpose for every single person.

No matter your background, your family, your language, or your culture, God has the same plan for you that He has for everyone else. If you know what God's will was for your life, would you want to live it? It would seem that would be the ONLY LIFE THAT EVEN MATTERS. Many people tap the surface of God's plan for them, but He desires everyone to live in His FULL PURPOSE

So what is the FULL PURPOSE OF GOD?

maturing in 4 phases



Everyone in this world has been born in it. And everyone born in this world is born WITHOUT HIM. Sin is a reality that exists on this planet before you were born. You were born in sin. The God of the universe is holy. Holiness and sin must not and cannot coexist. This phase--WITHOUT HIM--is where all people begin. And it's nowhere close to the full purpose that God has for you.

Too many people live and die in this phase...

No matter how your life is lived, in this phase, it amounts to nothing. In the grand scheme of God's purpose for your life, if you live WITHOUT HIM, you live without purpose entirely.

So God devised a plan to make it possible to begin living His full purpose for your life -



God desires relationship with you. He created the human race for companionship in the first place. When man separated himself from God by sin, God planned a way to bring us back to Himself.

Jesus Christ died to bring us back into an intimate relationship with our Creator.

So the first phase that God desires of every single person is to KNOW HIM. If you will believe that Jesus Christ is indeed alive from the dead and embrace Him as Lord, then you are made right with GodGod, then, wants your righteousness to flourish into your most intimate relationship.

God desires INTIMACY.

The first phase He desires in your life is to grow in intimacy with Him. He wants your relationship with Him to be closer than any other relationship that exists in your life.



Intimacy is stronger and richer with communication. God has provided the means to know His heart, His will, and His purpose. In order to truly know Him, He desires us to HEAR HIM.

Hearing God is knowing the Bible...

Our knowing Him is stunted when we do not know His Word. God speaks to us through the Bible. It's through our reading and hearing and studying the Bible that allows us to fully know the heart of God. Therefore,

God desires you to STUDY THE WORD OF GOD.

The second phase of God's full purpose for your life is to grow your intimacy with Him into deeper knowledge of His heart--that's only in personal study of His Word.

When we study the Bible with an intimate attitude, it reveals the intentions of God's full purpose...



Knowing Him already gives us a new perspective (the right perspective, actually) in this life. But knowing His Word brings that new perspective to understand God's full purpose. Studying the Bible reveals how we are to LIVE HIM.

The Bible reveals the heart and purpose of God,
and it reveals how He desires you to live His purposes.

His Bible is not intended for knowledge - but for obedience. His Word, when applied and obeyed, revolutionizes how you can fulfill the full purpose of God. The Bible transforms your very nature and employs you to a new mission with how to spend the rest of your earthly days.

God desires us to live with a mission -
to represent Him and further His kingdom...

Your intimacy with God provokes your desire to live fully for Him in every aspect of your life. You see that you have an integral part in furthering His Kingdom on the earth.

God desires to use you to make a difference.



The fullness of God's purpose for your life is culminated when you SHARE HIM. Your mission has been revealed. You are now a representative of Him, and you are empowered to personally share Him with others.

Identify your context in life as your mission field.

God desired to save you when you were without Him. Now He wants to use you to save others who are without Him. What is your context? What people exist in your "sphere of influence"? You are privileged with a set of relationships that others do not have - giving you incredible leverage to be the one to SHARE HIM. 


Maturing in these four phases for the rest of your life allows you to live in the full purpose of God.

This is why our church exists...

Our mission is to


people in the full purpose of God.